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  • Monthly Balance Sheet and Income Statement

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    Name: Monthly Balance Sheet and Income Statement
    Date: April 9, 2021 - April 8, 2021
    Event Description:
    RIA firms are expected to maintain their accounting records according to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, or GAAP. This means reconciling the previous month's financials and generating a monthly balance sheet and income statement. The SEC and most state jurisdictions do not specify the date by which this must be done; those that do tend to use the 10th of the following month. You can maintain these reports electronically (e.g., print them to PDF) in your compliant cloud storage... For details, click here: https://community.cs2compliance.com/event/monthly-balance-sheet-and-income-statement-24 https://community.cs2compliance.com/event/monthly-balance-sheet-and-income-statement-24
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